Alpha Rifle Pistol Club youth shoot

  • Outdoors



Alpha Rifle and Pistol Club yearly Silhouette shoot  winner is Audrey Rodriguez from Crystal Falls. We had 22 youth’s to participate from ages six to seventeen. Over 70 pleople, Parents, Grandparets  and friendsattended this year’s shoot. Of the 22 shooters 16 shot over 20 out of 40 targets, to qualify for attempting to shoot three shots in a red 6” target at 50 yards. This year nine shooters received certificates and metals, youngest was eight years. old.
We would like  to thank the following people,business and organizations: 4-H Club providing rifle and personal to help on the shooting line, Superior Sport and Feed of Crystal Falls, Extreme Outdoors of Iron River, The Gun Barn, Bump’s Burgers and WIKB and the Iron River Reporter for their advertising. Without all their help and donations we would not  be able to provide the shoot. Thanks to all who came out for this youth shoot.