Readers Viewpoint 6-28-2023

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

To the editor:
On Tuesday July 4, America will be celebrating Independence Day. The United States is not a true Democracy, but a Federal Republic, one of two on Earth, the other is Switzerland.
In a true Democracy 50 percent plus one, make all the decisions. If 50 percent plus one voted for the 49 percent to pay all the taxes, or be enslaved, so be it, that’s majority rule and true Democracy.
That’s why the founding fathers came up with our form of government. America is the only country on Earth that has rights granted by God and not by man. Is our government perfect and without problems, no, but it is better than any other on Earth. At one time before a student passed eighth grade, they had to know the State Constitution, and before graduating 12 th , they had to know the U.S. Constitution. That’s when school taught Civics.
So this 4 th of July take some time and remember what a great country we live in and that according to the United Nations, 4 and a half billion, that’s right billion, people on Earth would live in the United States if they could.

-s- Respectfully
Don Wolf
Iron River