PUBLISHER'S LETTER - Going Back Going Forward


Dear Reader,
In the realm of passing time, where the currents of life have flowed relentlessly, traversing beneath the sturdy arches of many bridges, one finds oneself unable to retrace their steps. Such is the nature of our journey, where the exuberance of youth and the aspirations of an uncharted future paint vivid images in our minds, far grander than the stark realities we face each day.

As the years have stretched on, extending far beyond the reach of any remaining vitality, the ties that once bound us to those who embarked on divergent paths have faded  into little significance. Each of us chose roads untraveled by the other, rendering us unrecognizable if we were to chance upon one another in some gathering or occasion, after years of life passing by without sporadic check-ins to gauge each other’s progress.

After a prolonged absence from someone we once held dear, the very essence of that connection transforms, even if fragments of memories linger on. One can’t go back in time, because life evolves in stages, stages that fit uniquely with an individual’s aging process.

Author of “Dear Reader” and
“Tapestry of Love and Loss"