Readers Viewpoint 8-16-2023

  • Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

    Readers Viewpoint

To the editor:
Thanks to our Community
Please allow me this huge shoutout to everyone who stepped up and showed up on Saturday, Aug. 5 for Tastings, Tapas &Tours. It was a beautiful event, absolutely perfect weather and a lovely turnout of museum friends; old and new. From lively conversations at picnic tables scattered about the courtyard, to standing room only at Toti’s, bistro tables throughout the Cultural Center and even in Heritage Hall; friends and neighbors gathered and chatted while sipping delicious wines and enjoying the most delectable of tapas. The tours were engaging, the music was lovely, and all the people made the museum as beautiful as ever. Thank you one and all for making this a very enchanting evening indeed.
-s- Kathlene Long
Museum Director