IAHF Awards Grant to MCAC Prescription Assistance

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IRON AND DICKINSON COUNTIES - The Iron Area Health Foundation (IAHF) recently awarded a Healthy Living and Well-Being Grant in the amount of $5,000 to the Medical Care Access and Prescription Assistance Coalition of Dickinson and Iron Counties. The grant dollars will help support the MCAC “Voucher Fund” program. The Voucher Fund Program through the MCAC provides emergency medication support to any uninsured, under insured, low income, disabled or elderly residents of Dickinson and Iron Counties who can not afford their medication. The MCAC also provides free unbiased Medicare and Medicaid counselors to help individuals navigate through any medical paperwork.
The Iron Area Health Foundation is very pleased to be able to help support the MCAC “Voucher Fund”program and to continue to support programs and initiatives that enhance Healthy Living and Well-Being for all residents of Iron County.