GEI gives back

  • Pictured are, GEI employees, Ryan Morgan, Leah Riutta, Will Toivonen, Brian Schiavo, John Reck, Brian Fabbri and Nathaniel Kudwa. Locker Lunch volunteers, from left, Marla Busakowski, Deb Bomaster, Sue Fritz, Sue Petersen, Chris Shamion and Deb Camps. (Submitted photo)

    Pictured are, GEI employees, Ryan Morgan, Leah Riutta, Will Toivonen, Brian Schiavo, John Reck, Brian Fabbri and Nathaniel Kudwa. Locker Lunch volunteers, from left, Marla Busakowski, Deb Bomaster, Sue Fritz, Sue Petersen, Chris Shamion and Deb Camps. (Submitted photo)

    Pictured are, GEI employees, Ryan Morgan, Leah Riutta, Will Toivonen, Brian Schiavo, John Reck, Brian Fabbri and Nathaniel Kudwa. Locker Lunch volunteers, from left, Marla Busakowski, Deb Bomaster, Sue Fritz, Sue Petersen, Chris Shamion and Deb Camps. (Submitted photo)

Pictured are, GEI employees, Ryan Morgan, Leah Riutta, Will Toivonen, Brian Schiavo, John Reck, Brian Fabbri and Nathaniel Kudwa. Locker Lunch volunteers, from left, Marla Busakowski, Deb Bomaster, Sue Fritz, Sue Petersen, Chris Shamion and Deb Camps. (Submitted photo)

IRON COUNTY – GEI Consultants presented its annual donation as well as matching contributions from local staff totaling $700 to the Iron County Locker Lunch program. Since 2015, the GEI Iron River office has chosen to donate to Locker Lunch because they support their mission that no child should go to bed hungry. “Our staff applauds and values the efforts of the many businesses and community volunteers who provide these meals that help nourish and make it easier for our needy community members to learn and reach their full potential,” said Jeff Bal, Branch Manager. “GEI provides a full array of engineering services, including Civil, Structural, Process-Mechanical and Chemical Engineering for complex municipal and industrial projects locally and across the country. We are always looking for engineers to join our team and look forward to some of the children we are helping becoming engineers and joining us someday.”