Readers Viewpoint 7-3-2024

  • Readers Viewpoint
    Readers Viewpoint

Letter to the Editor:
Now a days you hear a lot of Politicians, screaming about our Democracy and saying that calling the U.S. a Republic is misinformation. The United States is a Federal Republic, one of two on earth, the other is Switzerland.

The founding fathers detested a true Democracy. Alexander Hamilton said, “We are forming a Republican Government”. John Adams said, “There never was a Democracy yet, that didn’t commit suicide”. In a Democracy 50% plus one make all the decisions and control everything. The other 49% including any minorities have no say or rights. If the 50% plus one wanted slavery or all the benefits, so be it. If the U.S. was a true Democracy, three states; New York, California and Illinois would control everything. This is why we need to go back and teach civics in schools again. So this 4th of July we must remember what a wonderful Government our founding fathers gave us with 3 coequal branches. A Government of the People, By the People and For the People, where even the smallest state and minorities have a say.

-s- Don Wolf
Iron River, MI