READER'S VIEWPOINT - Help the U.P. War Memorial

  • Readers Viewpoint
    Readers Viewpoint

To the editor:

The Upper Peninsula War Memorial and Veterans Park on top of Pine Mountain is a work of beauty and splendor.

It is magnificent in its appearance and significance. It is a memorial to all veterans from the Upper Peninsula and our neighboring communities in Wisconsin. Honoring all those that served in the military during all wars and conflicts, also honoring any personnel that are active military or active reserve.

This memorial was dedicated in 2006 and since then the volunteers that have been maintaining the area have dwindled to just a few, we could use some new people. Dale and Carol Larson have been handling the ordering of the brick pavers. There is a lot of room for more pavers and the order forms are available from Carol at 906-774-0142 or Post 50 of the American Legion at 906-774-5797. Any veteran, active military or active reserve should consider purchasing a paver.

There have been many improvements in the last few years with the bricks now placed on towers instead of on the ground. Along with all new lighting around the memorial and a new light shining on the flag when it is flying.

It has been five years since we had anything done as far as maintenance to the flagpole and with the weather that we have had up there it is time to have some necessary repairs done. The cost of everything has really increased. Therefore, we are asking for
area residents and businesses, along with all veterans organizations in the Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin for donations to help with the cost of repairs. If anyone may be interested in making a donation for the flagpole repairs they are tax deductible as we are a 501-c3, receipts are available if needed. Those that may be interested, as a family donation bequeathments are also accepted. Donations can be sent to: U.P. War Memorial, Flag Chairman, 824 Superior Ave., Kingsford, MI 49802.

-s- Robert Massicotte, Flag Chairman