The Cowboys will be at Camp 5 

  • Outdoors



LAONA, Wis. - Hang on to your stetson and six gun. The Cowboys will be at Camp 5 on July 15 with their horses galloping and six guns blazing. You can bet that they will rob the train on every trip from the depot in Laona at the junction of Hwy 8 and 32. The Cowboys have a busy schedule. They have to rob the train run that leaves the depot at 9:30 a.m. and keeps running all day.

Don’t worry, your valuables are safe. The good guys always show up to chase the bad guys away. They will make their escape on splendid horses wearing authentic looking cowboy duds and boots.

These hombres don’t always get along with each other. There is often a shoot out at Camp 5, but nobody seems to get hurt.

The Cowboys are a friendly bunch, camping out in tents and visiting with everyone. It is a pleasant and enjoyable experience.
While at Camp 5, you can visit the Forestry Museum, the working Blacksmith Shop, the Nature Center, Petting Zoo, take the Forest Surrey Ride, visit the Cracker Barrel Gift Shop and satisfy your thirst and hunger at the Choo Choo Cafe. 

All are welcome and encouraged to experience the Cowboys and all that Camp 5 has to offer. More can be learned on the website at