Forest Park Seventh grade trip

  • Fortune Lake group picture.

    Fortune Lake group picture.

    Fortune Lake group picture.

Fortune Lake group picture.

CRYSTAL FALLS - Forest Park seventh graders had the opportunity to attend an overnight trip to Fortune Lake Camp that included two days of outdoor learning and team building.
Students were split into different groups and then scheduled to attend various outdoor sessions focused on not only learning in a setting outside of the school walls, but building community with each other. The Fortune Lake staff, along with Forest Park teachers, provided these sessions that the groups rotated through. They ranged from outdoor cooking, cave painting, hiking, soil testing, a scavenger hunt, to practicing and performing group skits. 
Students also took advantage of the above average weather for September by getting in the water and enjoying the Fortune Lake beachfront. 
We are thankful to the Forest Park Youth Advisory Committee and Dickinson Area Community Foundation for providing these funds. We’re also thankful to the Fortune Lake staff for being an amazing community partner. (Submitted photos)