Raise your glass and fork for lake health at Young’s FireBrick Bar & Grill

  • Outdoors



Come to Young’s FireBrick Bar & Grill on Friday, July 21, when 30% of all proceeds will go toward preserving the health of Chicaugon Lake. Have a meal with friends, meet neighbors over drinks, share appetizers with your sweetheart. All are welcome, and every food or drink purchase nourishes you while conserving the lake.
Young’s has long been known for its 18-hole championship golf course. The grandeur of the forests and the beauty of the lake make the experience truly special. Young’s has trails for hiking and biking. In the winter the golf course transforms into a cross country skiing and snowshoeing wonderland. Any outdoor adventure should be capped off with time in the FireBrick Bar & Grill. 
Funds raised on July 21 will be donated to the Preservation Committee on Chicaugon Lake. The Preservation Committee is dedicated to keeping the lake vibrant and healthy for generations to come. 
-Water quality testing and lake surveys are done several times each year by Many Waters and the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program. 
-Evaluating and mitigating invasive species is a high priority. For over a decade, keeping Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) from choking out native species and threatening recreational activities has been a major focus. 
-The Committee also supports Iron County grant proposals for improvements at Pentoga Park, the campground and the boat launch.
Young’s does their part by keeping almost all of their mile of shoreline in a natural state. Deeply rooted trees, shrubs and plants prevent erosion and keep excess nutrients from the lake. The golf course fairways and rough are only fertilized once a year with a 22-0-10 formula. The middle zero indicates that no phosphorus is used on the course. The wetlands around eight of the 18 holes and across many other sections of the over 3000-acre property protect the lake from runoff and excess nutrients.
The Board of Trustees of Young’s, Jason Rivard, the general manager, and all members of the Chicaugon Lake Preservation Committee hope you will join us on Friday, July 21, at the FireBrick Bar & Grill. We will enjoy tasty food and beverages while raising funds to preserve and protect a beautiful lake.
Young’s is located at 159 Young’s Lane on Chicaugon Lake. The bar opens at 9 a.m. and restaurant hours are 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. The FireBrick recommends making a reservation if you plan to come for dinner. Contact Young’s at 906-265-3401.