Crystal View Women’s golf

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CRYSTAL FALLS – The Crystal View Women’s golf event on July 6 was Mystery Hole. First, sixth and 12 th place were paid - count backs were used in determining sixth and 12 th place winners: First place – Jenna Simbob 38; sixth place – Mary Hanttula 45; 12 th place – Janine Ziert 47. Longest putt on #1 – Kim Bjork 28’5”. Closest to the pin on #7-2 nd shot – Mia Arcand 27.5”. 50/50 winners – Lindsey Anderson and Fran Peters. Chip ins 1 st round – Nancy Clark on #3; Cindy Herman on #5; Kate Blair on #9. Chip ins 2 nd round – Fran Peters on #3. Birdies – Nancy Clark on #3; Faith Peterson on #5, Kate Blair on #9.