
Readers Viewpoint

Readers Viewpoint

Dear Fair Kids


Dear Fair Kids,
Every year it seems to amaze me how quickly fair comes and goes.   After many years of enjoying fair week I decided to give you a few words about fair week.

Readers Viewpoint

Readers Viewpoint

One Million Tabs


To the editor,
    I, along with many of you have medical issues, but we continue to help others. We volunteer to work fundraisers, buy raffle tickets, etc.

Readers Viewpoint

Readers Viewpoint

A New Game in Town


A New Game in Town
To the editor:
It’s not really a new game in town, but a resurgence of an old game. It’s called, Bocce.

Readers Viewpoint

Readers Viewpoint

“You Did It”


To the editor:
    Saving those little aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee.

Readers Viewpoint

Readers Viewpoint

Support your senior centers


To the editor:
Years ago, my husband and I participated in the meal program offered at the Crystal Falls Senior/Community Center.  

Readers Viewpoint

Readers Viewpoint

The little aluminum tabs


To the editor,
    Three weeks ago, I had an article about saving those little tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee.